For serious emergencies call 911.
The exact physical address is:
424 South Fourth Street Danville, KY 40422 (Boyle County KY)
Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center (1 block north of your current location)
217 South Third Street Danville, KY 404422
Patricia Carey 859-339-3962
Non-emergency Calls (859-238-1220)
Please enjoy your time in the country at the Carey House of 1906.
Password: olivebus110
Netid: Carey1906House_Netid
Patricia Carey – 859-339-3926 (
AirBnB exact address is:
424 South Fourth Street
Danville KY, 40422
At present we use streaming Youtube TV. Once SmartCast home menu displays select the YouTube TV app.
You should be automatically logged in as Navigation is similar to other streaming television services you may be familiar with.
Step 1
Press the power button on the remote to on. Vizio SmartCast may take a few minutes to load.
Step 2
When SmartCast is finished loading the Smartcast home screen below should be displayed.
Scroll down till the YouTube TV app (or whatever app you desire) highlighted as in screen below. Then press the center okay button to select.
Step 3
The YouTube TV home screen will display as shown.
Step 4
Scroll right till Live tab is highlighted, as below. Then press center okay button.
Step 5
The YouTube TV Live screen should be displayed. Then use the scroll up / scroll down to view the list of available shows. When the program you want is highlighted press the center okay button.